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Do you know if you have the status of resident or non-tax resident in Spain?
An individual is resident in Spain when either of the following circumstances:
- They have spent more than 183 days, for one calendar year, in Spain. To determine this period of residence in Spain, sporadic absences will be counted, unless the taxpayer demonstrates their tax residence in another country. In the case of countries or territories considered as tax havens, the Tax Administration may require proof he residence in the country for 183 days in the calendar year.
- The core of their economic activities or interests lies in Spain, directly or indirectly.
- The spouse –not divorced- and the minor children who depend on this natural person have their permanent establishment in Spain. This third assumption must be proven.
Individuals of Spanish nationality who prove their new tax residence in a country or territory classified as a tax haven will not lose the status of taxpayers for the Personal Income Tax. This rule will be applied in the tax period in which the change of residence takes place and during the following four tax periods.
On the contrary, a natural person will be considered a non-resident in Spain when none of the above requirements are met.
At Assessoria la Selva we offer a wide range of professional services for non-residents. Contact us without any obligation and we will carry out a study to find out if you are obliged to submit any type of declaration and thus comply with your legal obligations in accordance with the current law.
- Advice on the current law in international taxation.
- Non-Residents Income Tax. Where is it applied? Who is obliged to pay taxes?
- Study on the obligation or non-obligation to pay the Non-Residents Income Tax (IRNR).
- Withholding in property purchases from non-residents without permanent establishment.
- Special tax on real estate assets of non-resident organisations.
- Incomes obtained without a permanent establishment. Withholdings and payments on account (declaration - income document).
- Notification of the displacement of employed workers to another territory.
- Information Return. Non-resident income tax. Accounts of non-residents without a permanent establishment.
- Information Return. Individualised list of clients receiving benefits distributed by Spanish Unit Trust Institutions, as well as those for which the commercialising organisations has carried out share or stock reimbursements or transfers.
- Information Return. Withholdings and payment on account for non-resident income tax (without permanent establishment).
- Information Return. Information return on assets and rights held abroad.
- Tax havens.
- Double taxation agreements.
- NIE application for the acquisition of real estate.
- NIE application for economic interests, sale and purchase of social shares, creation of a company, investment in shares, etc.
- NIE application for professional interests.
- NIE application for social interests.
- Advice on the acquisition of real estate.
- Obtaining NIE.
- Comprehensive management of buying and selling of real estate.
- Processing of energy certificates, occupancy certificates, etc.